
2021 ap calculus ab frq
2021 ap calculus ab frq

234 students so far, out of ~169,000 who took the exam, have earned all 100 points possible on this year’s AP Computer Science Principles exam & project.Educators expanded access to AP Computer Science Principles for ~31,000 additional students this year – a massive 22% increase – and scores remained virtually the same as when fewer students had such opportunities last year, a testament to educators’ belief in student potential.The most challenging question on this year’s AP Computer Science A exam was Q4 on 2D Array 34% of students earned 0 of the 9 points possible: ….AP Computer Science A students generally earned strongest scores in the free-response question on Q3 about Array / ArrayList 31% earned 8-9 out of the 9 points possible.18 students so far, out of ~96,000 worldwide, have earned all 80/80 points possible on this year’s AP Computer Science A exam we’ll notify them and their schools in the fall when all late exams are scored.More good news: this year’s AP Computer Science A students demonstrated slightly stronger mastery than last year’s, so scores have risen, even as educators have expanded access to 19% more students than the prior school year.This year’s AP Computer Science A students scored extremely well on MC questions about Array, ArrayList, and 2D Array (Units 6-8), with 20% of students earning all or all but one point possible on these topics.AP Chemistry free-response section, short questions: Q5 earned the highest scores of the FRQs, and students also scored well on Q7, with ~25% of students earning 4/4 points possible on these two questions:.AP Chemistry free-response section, long questions: students generally scored somewhat better on Q1 and Q2 than on Q3, with about 17% of students earning 9-10 of 10 points possible on those first two questions, and 9% earning 9-10 points on Q3.

2021 ap calculus ab frq

  • AP Chemistry students’ weakest area in the MC section was Chemical Reactions (Unit 4) the average score on these questions was 44%, and 10% of students earned 0 points on these questions.
  • AP Chemistry students performed especially well on MC questions about Molecular & Ionic Compound Structure & Properties (Unit 2) and Applications of Thermodynamics (Unit 9 15% of students answered all these questions correctly).
  • We’ll notify them and their schools in the fall when all late exam scoring is complete.
  • 11 students so far, out of ~141,000 who took the AP Chemistry Exam, earned all 100/100 points possible on this year’s exam.
  • The impressive AP Chemistry score distributions align with the latest sequent course performance data from colleges, which found that a much larger proportion of AP Chemistry students is now outperforming college peers when placing ahead.
  • Students earning 1s & 2s generally couldn't answer any part of these difficult tasks students earning 3s were generally able to earn a few of these points students earning 5s: most.
  • The most challenging AP Bio questions were FRQ 4 & 5, designed to distinguish between 3/4/5s.
  • AP Biology free-response section: students were most successful on Q2, a multi-part investigation of mitochondria, cellular respiration, and elevated CO2 levels 21% earned 7-9 of the 9 points possible.
  • Cell Structure and Function (Unit 2) proved most challenging for this year’s AP Biology students, but even so, the majority demonstrated solid understanding here, and 6% earned all such points possible.
  • 2021 ap calculus ab frq 2021 ap calculus ab frq

    AP Biology students really knew well the content related to Cellular Energetics (Unit 3) and Natural Selection (Unit 7), with good performance overall on those topics, and ~10% of students earning every such point possible.We’ll notify the student and school in early fall when late exam scoring is complete. 1 student so far, out of 242,000 worldwide who took this year’s AP Biology Exam, has earned all 120/120 points possible.The low point of this year’s AP Art History exam was the long essay comparing holy figures (Q1) a surprising 24% of students were unable to summon an artistic depiction of a holy figure for comparison with the Reliquary of Sainte-Foy.

    2021 ap calculus ab frq

    Many students also scored well on Q4 about the Giza complex of pyramids (19% earned all 5 pts).

  • AP Art History essays: students generally earned the highest scores on Q3, the visual analysis of the Katsushika Hokusai print 47% of students scored 5/5 on this essay.
  • Once again, AP Art History students demonstrated very strong knowledge of the Global Contemporary art on the exam, followed by Ancient Mediterranean: 32% and 26% of students, respectively, answered virtually all such questions correctly.
  • Kudos to AP Art History teachers and students 16% more students gained access to this exciting subject this year, and (in the 13 years I’ve been tracking this) earned higher scores on the full-length exam than any other group except the class of 2018.

  • 2021 ap calculus ab frq